Panther Pride!

I just heard from OUSD — I’ve been made a “contingent” offer to work Special Education as a resource teacher at Edna Brewer Middle School. This is the assignment I was hoping for. (The contingency is related to my fulfilling the requirements necessary to teach.) This is fantastic news!

Edna Brewer is about two miles from our place. It’s a perfect location for biking to work. (Also fantastic news.) The school (formerly known as McChesney Jr. High) is named for beloved Oakland educator, Edna Brewer. The school mascot is a panther. I’ve met the principal, his vice principals, the school’s administrative assistant, and one teacher — I’m very excited to join their team. At least one of my TFA buddies (Elizabeth) has also received a contingent offer to teach at Edna Brewer, so I won’t be starting out alone.

My excitement is paired with a little twinge of anticipation about how this new adventure will unfold. Will the kids respond to me in positive ways? Am I up to the challenge? The first day of school is August 30. There’s a lot of learning and preparation to be packed into the next two-and-a-half months. Wish me luck!

Monday June 14, 2010 — Mark —
