Oakland Schools

This week marks the first major event of my two year commitment to Teach For America. The May site visit is primarily a logistical event, but one aspect of the two day get-together is a chance to visit schools in one’s assigned district. We’ll be observing in a classroom and meeting a couple of principals. (My group starts the day at Edna Brewer Middle School and also visits the Elmhurst Community Prep campus. A couple of us will also have a short meeting with the director of Special Education for OUSD.)

It was fun to meet the other new Teach For America Bay Area Corps Members. It was also a relief to scan the room and see one other older guy in the corps. At our first break this morning I introduced myself to Michael and we shared a chuckle about the fact that most of the other new teachers in the corps were young enough to be our kids. It was also great to meet the TFA staff for the Bay Area. Several of them live in Oakland, which is cool.

I have to hit the road early on Friday morning so I’m heading to bed.

Thursday May 6, 2010 — Mark —
